The City Gallery

The Deák Collection presents the most important trends and artists of modern Hungarian painting from the beginning of the 20th century until the eighties.
The permanent exhibition displays about 400 works of art: the Hungarian art of the first half of the century is represented by László Mednyánszky, József Rippl-Rónai, Lajos Gulácsy, Béla Czóbel, Ödön Márffy, Lajos Tihanyi, István Nagy, István Farkas, Imre Ámos and others, while the period after 1945 is represented by artists of the European School (Margit Anna, Endre Bálint, Tihamér Gyarmathy, Dezső Korniss, Gyula Marosán) and contemporary Hungarian artists (Pál Deim, László Fehér).
Remarkable small sculptures and medallions complement the collection, works by Fülöp Beck Ö., Márk Vedres, Ferenc Medgyessy, Vilmos Fémes Beck, Béni Ferenczy and Miklós Borsos.

Faces, Forms, Figures -- Permanent exhibition of the King St. Stephen Museum -- Deák Collection

The exhibition brings categories into focus. Genres, techniques, styles, periods, separation by the creator, the theme or the date, our abstract concepts about the world arond us: all of these things are capable to organize the mess into order, to create the conception in a pile, to show the way to the viewer. The Deák Collection's new permanent exhibition has three divisions to find these ways, as we can read it in the title as well. The three everyday concept helps the visitor to focus and to back aways at the same time, they guides us, but they don't want to be the only interpretation. As nothing is precisely calculable if it is about fine arts, the determined categories can also show some superimpositions or subjective opinions as well. The first theme -- which can not be seen in the title -- is Dénes Deák himself, the founder of the collection, whose memory is recalled with the help of his four favourite artists: Béla Czóbel, Ferenc Medgyessy, László Mednyánszky and István Nagy. By his work as a collector, he created such a peculiar collection that keeps its characteristics even in the separated parts of the exhibition Faces, forms, figures.

'There are four artists I admire above all the rest in my collection: László Mednyánszky, István Nagy, Ferenc Medgyessy and Béla Czóbel. Why? In Nagy's picture I find everything this country means to me. I can always identify with this tragic master of Hungarian fate: he was the painter of the helpless and the deprived. The situation is the same in Mednyánszky's case, whose figures were tragis, transcendent and dynamic at the same time. In Czóbel's work I appreciate health, happiness and the joy of life. This may seem like a contradictionary, but this is the way I am. I have never been a consistent man, and I do not intend to be in my old age.' This is how Dénes Deák describes his most beloved artists and his own character in a few word in an interview with Lajos Lóska. We would like to bear him in mind by putting these four artists on display, as his life and work as a collector left and indelible mark in Székesfehérvár's cultural life.

After the personal intro, the visitor can find themselves only between the keywords ('FACES', 'FORMES', 'FIGURES') and their own visual memories. The categories are simple, impersonal and quite obvious: in the etap 'FACES' the visitor can see portraits, self-portraits and head-studies, at 'FORMES' there are landscapes, still-lives, compostitions and abstract pictures, and in the 'FIGURES' section the different body-representations can be seen. In the exhibition a new installation is set up which unites the fine art of the 20th century and the technical achievements of the 21st century. In this collaboration, Frigyes Matzon's sculpture is meeting the technique 'projection mapping', which solution happens to be extremely rare, if not the only one in Hungary.

Permanent exhibition with the Hungarian fine art of the 20th century and an experimental installation.

Tuesday -- Sunday: 10 am -- 18 pm
Monday closed

Full price: HUF 700 / person
Half-priced ticked for students (youths aged 6--26) and senior citizens (aged 62--70): HUF 350 / person
Group discount ticket for groups of more than 10 people: HUF 500 / person
Photo ticket: HUF 1000 / person

Free admission to all exhibitions:
Children under the age of 6
European Community citizens over the age of 70
Visitors with disabilities and one attendant per person
Journalists with international press pass with photo
Visitors with ICOM, Pulszky, MAOE, etc. pass
Every visitor on Hungarian national holidays (15 March, 20 August, 23 October)

© Városi Képtár – Deák Gyűjtemény • 8000 Székesfehérvár, Oskola u. 10. – deak@deakgyujtemeny.hu