
Imre Pán

Despite the limited facilities of the venue, the artworks and documents that are on display in the Imre Pán Memorial Room allow us to draw a relatively full picture of the activities of Imre Mezei (better known by his assumed pen-name Imre Pán), and also of the significant contribution that he made to contemporary art life both in Hungary and in France.

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Dénes Deák, this excellent collector, donated part of his collection - paintings, drawings, small sculpture and medals, altogether more than seventy works of art - to the city of Székesfehérvár in 1986. The material came to be shown in a temporary exhibition in Pelican House in the same year, arranged by art historian Márta Kovalovszky, the first de facto Director (1986-1994) of the City Gallery - Deák Collection, as the new institution was named. Having grown by way of a second donation to twice its original size, to 164 works of art, the collection was relocated in 1988 to its present home, the first floor of the building in Oskola street. In 1993, following the tragic and early death of the collector, the holdings expanded to several hundred works of art, in accordance with his will. In September 1994 the new permanent exhibition opened on a significantly enlarged area, incorporating further, reconstructed sections of the building. Save for minor modifications, this has remained the permanent exhibition to date, arranged by art historian Erzsébet Szűcs, appointed Director of the Collection in 1994. As the Ledgers testify, 864 of the altogether 1018 works of art had been in the ownership of Dénes Deák. The Gallery acquired merely 154 pieces by purchase, and from the artist colony in nearby Mór. Beyond a few artists of national renown, these 154 works comprise works predominantly by local artists. These works clearly differ in their date of production, their character, and often also in quality from the core of Deák Collection.

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© Városi Képtár – Deák Gyűjtemény • 8000 Székesfehérvár, Oskola u. 10. – deak@deakgyujtemeny.hu